Optical challenge: Spotting all 5 differences requires an IQ of 140 or higher!


The Intelligence Quotient (IQ) serves as a metric for gauging an individual’s cognitive ability, assessing their adeptness in using information and logic for problem-solving and predictions.

Primarily, IQ tests evaluate both short-term and long-term memory, along with puzzle-solving proficiency and the speed of information retention.

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Every student has the potential to learn, irrespective of their intelligence level.

However, some students may encounter challenges in school due to specific weaknesses in their intellectual capacities.

These students often find support through specialized education programs, where they receive extra assistance in their areas of difficulty.

IQ tests enable educators to pinpoint students who would benefit from such additional support.

Discover all 5 differences.

Chess, a game of skill and strategy, calls for intelligence, complemented by diligence and perseverance to gradually build proficiency.

IQ tests play a crucial role in identifying students suitable for accelerated learning in dynamic gifted programs.

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